2020 State of the API Report

2020 State Of The API Survey

The Future of APIs

Future technologies

We posed the question, “What technologies are you most excited about using over the next year?” Microservices and containers led in 2019 as the top two most exciting technologies by a substantial margin. This year, Kubernetes climbed into second place, falling just short of microservices. Overall, respondents' enthusiasm was relatively evenly spread among the top five technologies, ranging between 33.4% and 48.7%.

API-first leaders and respondents with 6+ years of API development experience were more likely to choose the top mention—microservices.

Microservices: 48.7%
Kubernetes: 43.6%
Containers: 42.2%
Serverless architecture: 39%
GraphQL: 33.4%
HTTP/2: 24.7%
Event-driven: 24.1%
Pub/sub: 17.4%
Service mesh: 9.9%

Multiple responses allowed

Investing in the future

More than three-quarters of respondents stated that investment of time and resources into APIs will increase or stay the same for the next 12 months. Meanwhile, only 17.9% reported they weren't sure of their organization's plans for APIs, and less than 4% said that their organization will spend less time and resources on APIs.

API-first leaders and respondents with 6+ years of API development experience were more likely to report their organization will spend more time and resources on APIs in the next 12 months.

My organizations will spend more time and resources on APIs: 45.7%
My organizations will spend about the same amount of time and resources on APIs: 32.5%
My organizations will spend less time and resources on APIs: 3.9%
I'm not sure: 17.9%
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