2023 State of the API Report

Postman State Of The API Report Postmanauts researching ontop of graphs. Illustration.

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This report is based on two sources: a survey of 40,261 developers and API professionals from around the world and anonymized, aggregated data from the Postman API Platform. The survey was fielded from April 25 through June 4. The answers to most nonnumerical questions were randomized in order to prevent order bias in answering.

Respondents were recruited largely through channels owned by Postman, including social media, email, and the Postman community forum. This year, Postman expanded its recruitment efforts to include technology-focused media outlets and influencers in tech.

As an incentive, respondents who finished the survey could opt to receive a copy of this report. Individuals from eligible geographies were also offered a chance to win prizes, including a PlayStation 5, a Steam Deck, five $100 Amazon gift cards, and ten $50 gift certificates to the Postman swag store.

Winners will be chosen at random and listed on this page after they are notified.

Thanks to the many people outside Postman whose input helped shape questions for this year's State of the API survey: Mehdi Medjaoui at APIDays, Derric Gilling at Moesif, Mark Boyd at Platformable, Bill Doerrfeld at Nordic APIs, James Higginbotham at LaunchAny, Alex Xu at ByteByteGo, Darrel Miller at Microsoft Graph, Mike Amundsen at Amundsen.com, Claire Barrett at API Collective, Alex Savage at Advanced, and George Mitry at Discover Financial Services.

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