GraphQL basics

Get up to speed with executing GraphQL queries on Postman.

Postman Templates Illustration.


This template guides you through the process of executing GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions on Postman. Using this template, you can also get familiar with the syntax and structure of GraphQL queries and learn how to fetch data from the backend in a single request.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a powerful query language for APIs that enables efficient and flexible communication between the client and the server. Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL allows clients to request only the required data, minimizing data transfer and improving performance. It also provides a clear and structured way to interact with your backend, making it a popular choice for modern web development.

What is GraphQL testing?

GraphQL testing involves verifying the functionality, performance, and security of your GraphQL APIs. It ensures that your API responds correctly to queries, mutations, and subscriptions. Testing in GraphQL is essential to guarantee a reliable and robust API, especially as your application evolves and new features are added.

When and why should you use GraphQL APIs?

GraphQL APIs are particularly useful in scenarios where flexibility in data retrieval and an efficient data transfer process are critical. You can opt for GraphQL when you want to:

  • Manage complex data requirements:

    GraphQL allows clients to request only the specific data they need, making it a good fit for applications that have complex data requirements.

  • Handle multiple data sources:

    When integrating multiple data sources, GraphQL provides a unified endpoint for fetching data, reducing the need for multiple API calls.

  • Improve frontend efficiency:

    For frontend development, GraphQL helps minimize over-fetching or under-fetching of data, optimizing performance and reducing bandwidth usage.

  • Work with real-time updates:

    GraphQL subscriptions enable efficient bidirectional communication between clients and servers, which is key for applications requiring real-time updates.

How to test GraphQL APIs?

Testing GraphQL APIs involves a combination of unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Unit tests focus on individual GraphQL resolvers or functions, ensuring they behave as expected. Integration tests check how different components of your GraphQL API work together, while end-to-end tests simulate real user scenarios to validate the entire system. With an API client like Postman, you can send GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions effortlessly. Postman’s user-friendly interface and robust features allow you to test specific resolvers or functions, integrations, and end-to-end flows.

What does the GraphQL basics template contain?

The GraphQL basics template is a comprehensive guide designed to help you understand the basics of executing GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions. It includes customizable sample requests that cover key aspects, such as sending introspection queries and fetching data from the backend in a single request. This template serves as a valuable resource for developers at different levels and roles.

How can you use the template to test GraphQL APIs on Postman?

Once you’ve added the template to your Postman workspace, you can follow the steps below to test GraphQL queries:

  • Step 1. Explore the template:

    Go through the sample requests and the accompanying documentation to get familiar with the template.

  • Step 2. Execute sample requests:

    Run individual sample requests to verify if queries, mutations, and subscriptions produce the expected responses.

  • Step 3: Customize sample requests:

    Modify sample requests, variables, and other relevant details within the template to match your specific GraphQL API.

  • Step 4: Test error scenarios:

    Modify your sample requests to trigger error scenarios, ensuring your GraphQL API handles errors appropriately.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the GraphQL template help you?

The template helps you with:

  • Structured learning: This template helps you understand GraphQL basics, syntax, and query structure, making it easier for to learn and adopt GraphQL.

  • Testing variety: The customizable sample requests that cover different aspects of GraphQL testing, such as queries, mutations, and subscriptions, allow you to test various scenarios.

  • Efficient query execution: With the template, you can quickly execute GraphQL queries and observe responses, streamlining the testing process.

GraphQL testing includes unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Each type serves a specific purpose, ensuring different aspects of your GraphQL API are thoroughly examined. Unit tests focus on individual components, integration tests verify interactions between components, and end-to-end tests validate the overall system behavior.

REST (Representational State Transfer) and GraphQL are both API architectural styles, but they differ in how data is requested and delivered. REST typically involves multiple endpoints, each serving a specific resource, while GraphQL allows clients to request exactly the data they need in a single query. GraphQL is more flexible and efficient for certain use cases, especially when dealing with complex data requirements or evolving applications.

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