Payment gateway and processing API

Endpoints for managing payments, transactions, refunds, and more.

Postman Templates Illustration.


This template helps you define and group endpoints for the core features of a payment gateway and processing API. You can use it as a reference for structuring your API and customize it by including features like payment analytics, recurring payments, and subscriptions.

What is a payment gateway and processing API?

A payment gateway and processing API is an application programming interface that facilitates the secure and seamless processing of online payments. It allows developers to integrate payment functionality into applications, enabling users to make payments, manage transactions, process refunds, and handle other tasks.

What does the payment gateway and processing API template contain?

The template contains a set of pre-defined requests and response examples that showcase the must-have features of a payment gateway and processing API. The template covers endpoints for managing payment methods, handling transactions, processing payments, issuing refunds, generating invoices, and implementing webhooks for real-time payment notifications.

How to use the payment gateway and processing API template?

The template helps you speed up the process of building a payment gateway and processing API by serving as a valuable reference and starting point. Here are a few simple steps you can take to leverage the template to speed up your work: Step 1. Go through the template: Check out the documentation and run the sample requests to understand how the API endpoints are structured. Step 2. Customize the template: Once you've built your API, customize the endpoints and request examples in the template to match your payment gateway's supported payment methods, transaction handling, and other processing functionalities. Step 3. Test and validate: Thoroughly test the API sending the customized requests to ensure its functionality and reliability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the payment gateway and processing API template?


What are some examples of payment gateway and processing APIs?


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