Creating APIs from the COVID-19 Response Effort Webinar

Kin Lane


Chief Evangelist

Hannah Neil


Technical Community Manager

In this webinar led by Postman Chief Evangelist Kin Lane, we focused on:

  • How APIs aid pandemic response measures

  • How you can publish new APIs related to COVID-19

  • How Open Referral data standards make it easier for you to share, find and use information about health, human, and social services

  • How you can contribute to the COVID-19 Testing Locations website, and how APIs power that website

  • What reputable information and tools are currently available for the COVID-19 efforts

Aired: April 29, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the GitHub repo for this?

How can I access all the published collections?

You can access them on our COVID-19 resource page.

How can I contribute to this effort?

If you find an API that you'd like to add, create a collection and add it to the list, submit an issue on GitHub or email us at

Can you add details to documentation within Postman?

Yes, you can customize your documentation within the Postman app. For more information, check out our Learning Center.

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