Webinar: “Postman 101 for Students”

Sue Smith


Developer Educator

In this webinar, Postman Developer Educator Sue Smith walks you through the basics of the Postman API Platform and what you can do with it. Topics include:

  • How to get started with Postman

  • Key tips and tricks every student should know, including how to build basic request configurations and which Postman features are most likely to be useful to you

  • Best practices for using Postman to further your education

  • An overview of the new Postman Student Expert program

Aired: July 8, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn more about the Postman Student Expert program?

We'll be posting information about this program on the Postman website soon, so stay tuned.

Can I use Postman to work with Facebook's Graph API?

Yes. As long as you have your credentials from Facebook, you can query the Facebook Graph API using Postman. Postman supports Facebook's GraphQL by default as well.

Is it possible to run Postman tests with a CI tool?

Yes. You can see exactly how it's done in the “How to run Postman API Tests with Newman in Gitlab CI” video.

Can I generate HTML-based reports with Postman?

Yes, you can do this with Postman and Newman (the command-line collection runner for Postman). You can see exactly how it's done in the “Postman/Newman: Create Better HTML Reports” video.

How do I access Postman templates?

Visit the Postman templates home page to see our full library of templates.

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